[METHOD] Review Sites ARE OUT! The Discount Site Method - Give a Little, MAKE $$

[METHOD] Review Sites ARE OUT! The Discount Site Method - Give a Little, MAKE $$

One of my friends said he was creating a WSO... I asked him what the product was and he explained it to me... My response: "Hey I explained that method to you over a year ago. Screw you I'm posting it on BHW." If he keeps giving me crap about this, I'm going to post the link to his WSO when it launches and everyone should purchase it and instantly request a refund just to piss him off. Anway, here it is:

I am in no way claiming to have thought of this method as it's been around for A LONG time. I was just chatting with a few different people on skype the past few days and they had never heard of this method. I was so confused. I searched the forum and didn't find anything, so I thought I'd put it out there. It's nothing that is going to blow your mind, but it can bring you in a few hundred extra bucks a month...

I'll call it "The Discount Site Method"...

I'm all for newbies creating review sites and making review videos and earning affiliate income that way, but let's be real, who really believes review sites? No one. Slowly they have become less and less effective. What does every review site have in common? "This product is 5 stars out of 5 stars! We highly recommend it [through our affiliate link of course]!" It just isn't working as well any more. Yes, it can still get you affiliate commission, it's just dead compared to what it was 3+ years ago...

Now, people will hear about new products on forums or from friends and then their first instinct is (and yours should be this as well), "How can I get this for free or for less than what the actual price is?" We do this every day. Whether it be by gathering coupons for the grocery store, buying things for less on craigslist, eBay, or Amazon, or looking for deals on domain names, we all are looking to get a good deal.

Let's get to the point: Some info products or online courses aren't or can't be leaked to BHW or other forums. In this case, the person who wants to purchase it now knows they can't get it for free. So their next instinct is to see if they can get it for cheaper. People search google for "[product] coupon code" or "[product] discount". THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN.

For upcoming products, you will be offering a discount! When I first mentioned this to some people, they thought you had to get in contact with the owner of the product and ask if you could give a discount, and that it was some extremely difficult process. It is incredibly easy and anyone can do it (yes even you)!

All you have to do is sign up for the affiliate program for a given product. Generally affiliate commission ranges from 50%-75% (these are the ones you should focus on). Let's say the product is $50 and you get a 50% commission (worst case scenario). You can offer a 20% discount and still walk away with $15 every time someone purchases the product. You're still not getting it, are you?

Ok, let me lay this out for you so that you will be able to replicate the process for any product or service:

There's a hot new product being released next month. The product is: XYZPROFITS (no that's not a real product. Substitute XYZPROFITS with name of the product you are going to promote). You will register a domain name of something like:
You will then throw up a WordPress blog on the site (which takes a total of 12 seconds) and put up an article saying something along the lines of (please don't use this word for word for your own sake)
As you may know, XYZPROFITS is coming out next month! If you've tried selling and have only made ABC profits or no profits at all, XYZPROFITS is the perfect product for you! We've already had a chance to test the product out before the launch, and it's phenomenal! We also have a great relationship with the creator and are going to be offering you an exclusive 20% discount! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FIND THIS DEAL ANYWHERE ELSE! Yada yada yada... blabber more about how great the product will be and how you are offering a discount.
Then later in fine print tell the visitor that they are able to claim the discount 30 days after their purchase by sending an email toDISCOUNT@YOURDOMAIN.COM with their name and order number.

Did you catch that? They are only able to claim the discount (or really rebate in this case) after the 30 days has passed. This is generally how long the 100% satisfaction guaranteed refund policy lasts so once that time is up, your commission is secure. Once the commission is secure and they send you their order details, you then can paypal them the discount you offered. (You get $25 commission on a $50 product. After one month you send them $10 as you'll be receiving $25 for the commission, giving you a $15 profit). It's as simple as that.

Then once the product is launched, watch as the sales come in. 

More Info and Tips:

1) Include Bonuses: If you have competition and want to make your site stand out, search for content related to the niche on BHW or google and download it and then add it as a bonus if they purchase from your link. Have them send you an email instantly after they purchase with their name and order number and then you will see you have a sale and you'll send them the bonus via email and let them know they'll be receiving their rebate in 30 days.

2) The Blackhat Way: You can make this a more "blackhat" method and don't even send them their rebate when the 30 days is up, giving you 100% of the commissions, but I've found it generally works out better in the long run if you honor the discount.


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