[GET] Business Idea #2
[GET] Business Idea #2
Here's a well-established principle of business; people like things that are free. Very few people will turn down something free, especially if it's something that you promise will enrich their lives. Now, let's take that a step further. Let's find a demographic who is, as a whole, looking to enrich their lives; a demographic composed almost entirely of people trying to have a better life, a better time. That's right, I'm looking at you, college kids. Now consider the fact that college is a new experience for most people, and college students are usually far more willing to open their mind to new things than other demographics (at least, that's what porn has taught me
As we know, all of this combines to make college the perfect place to market various mind- and body-altering products. So, let's take all our information (college kids like stuff that gets them high, and they like free stuff) and combine it into one principle: college kids LOVE free stuff that gets them high.
But how does this make us money? Simple; it's only free at first. You give a college kid a few grams of good weed for free, you have a customer for at least a few months, usually a few years, sometimes for life. Now that's business.
So here's the big idea. Invest in a quarter-pound of "herbal incense", offer some free samples around a college campus (worked great for me at my local community college) and you're in business.
This is nothing new in the marketing world, we see free samples and coupons everywhere. But hopefully this post has enlightened at least one of you on just how applicable the basic principles of marketing are. Good luck, Green Hatters 
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