The method is similar to selling updates.
We are going to find some pages in our category.
You can use the search bar or go here
You will see some search options on the right to Filter pages with your desired category.
Now choose a page. I suggest you to not go with big and official pages because they will not interested in advertising on your page. But You can go for duplicate pages has less likes. Message them if they are interested in your advertising, also include your page link. If they refuse send them a message again by telling how beneficial and effective it is and etc. If they still refuse then don't waste your time (it's worth something) and move on to the next page.
Don't bombard your prices in your first message, talk to them when they agree show them your price and ask what type of post they want photo sharing, link sharing etc.
Here is an Example
The page is about hotels and travelling.
By sending 15 messages in my niche, I got 4 advertisers ready at price $29 each post = $116 (I am on $100 a day

So don't ruin your page by posting irrelevant mylikes or CPA link and don't allow FB to ban your page. Go take action and Make some $$$.
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