Simple Way To Be More Successful & Make More Money - With No Cost

There are a lot of threads posted asking the same question - how to MAKE MONEY - how to increase money - etc.

Keeping this short and sweet. Hopefully some people try this - it works. Simple as that.

The number one reason that people are not successful and do not make money is because: they are lazy, they do not follow through, and they lack motivation

It is as simple as that. That is the NUMBER ONE reason. 

Not everyone is born with that killer entrepreneur spirit and fire.

A simple way to kick the laziness, hold you accountable and get you motivated is to team up with someone and push each other until you succeed. This person needs to be someone who is already successful or wants it just as bad as you.

You will want to set up daily communication with them. Multiple times a day. You are going to hold each other accountable - and push each other until you both make it and reach your goals.



(Yeah, that isn't a typo - start your day early. No excuses. Even if you are out until 4am partying you still get up at 6am every day. Not Monday - Friday. Every freaking day.)

This can be early morning coffee or gym session if you are in the same city, or morning text messages or phone calls. Discuss what your goals are for the day, what you have going on and HOW you are going to accomplish everything. Many times simply discussing your plan for the day helps you to visualize the outcome - which turns into follow through and results. Now, time to get to work.


This is the mid day check in. This can be a text, a phone call or even a lunch MEETING. Talk about what you accomplished already, whether it is successful so far or if if did no go to plan. If everything is good, discuss the rest of your plan for the day and how you will accomplish it. If you hit some roadblocks discuss them and see if there are any suggestions brought up to help avoid that in the future,and then also discuss how you will rebound and turn the day into a successful one. Remember it is not even half over. Plenty of time left. This is your mid day pep talk and in the event that you are feeling discouraged it will get you firing on all cylinders again. 

7pm - 11pm

This depends on how hard you go at it. Some days I am done by 7 because I want to unwind and recharge, but then there are some days that I work until 4am. If you want a "fixed" schedule then go get a 9 - 5 because you will never make it - you need to be willing to work your ass off. Again, this can be a phone call, a text, drinks, dinner, etc. Discuss each others day and the pluses and negatives. Then discuss tomorrows goal. Verbally lay out your plan of action and visualize it. Talking things out helps so much and when you have someone who wants it just as bad as you do - and you both hold each other accountable then you WILL NOT fail!

Now, get some rest and repeat.

Give it a try. I promise you that when you have someone to constantly talk out success, failure, goals, etc - you have a much better chance at accomplishing those goals. There is no slacking, no laziness, and no lack of motivation.

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